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Mortgage Professor about Tell Me About Reverse Mortgage: 
How Do I Get a Reverse Mortgage?
July 21, 2003 ?I am running short of money and friends tell me that I should take a reverse mortgage, but the thought of a complicated transaction involving my house just terrifies me. It would help a lot if you would lay out the steps in 1, 2 3 form??  With a reverse ... more...

Are Reverse Mortgages in the Mainstream?
March 24, 2003 ?I read a lot about reverse mortgages and how they are becoming part of the financial mainstream.  Is this true, and if so, why?? Reverse mortgages are picking up some steam, but they have a long way to go. A reverse mortgage is a loan to an ... more...

Tell Me About Reverse Mortgage related definitions

Reverse Mortgage
Reverse Mortgage, Reverse Annuity Mortgage, RAM A form of mortgage in which the lender makes periodic payments to the borrower using the borrower's equity in the home. A mortgage used by the elderly that provides income as a way of converting their home equity into a ... more...

Mortgage Baked Securities, MBS
Mortgage Baked Securities, MBS Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are bond or other financial obligation secured by a pool of mortgage loans. Mortgage loans are purchased from banks, mortgage companies, and other originators and then assembled into pools by purchasing entity. ... more...

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Get Free Tell Me About Reverse Mortgage Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Reverse Mortgage: A Dignified Way for Retirees to Supplement Income and Take Care of Expenses
For many Americans reaching the retirement age, the equity build up in their home is their only real asset. Reverse mortgage is a way to tap into this asset and create a stream of income needed for retirement or take care of an unexpected financial need that is usually related to health care costs ... more...

Real Estate Stories that Show You How!
Lets begin easing you out of the pits. I mean, comfort zone! Im going to slowly and methodically give you as many little sparks and insights to the relatively simple ways that ordinary people use real estate to achieve extraordinary results.Stories are the best spark plugs. They let you casually ... more...

A Quick Look at Home Equity Line of Credit
What do you mean by home equity line of credit?To borrow a sum of money against your equity is popularly known as home equity line of credit. You can use this amount to reconstruct or renovate your home, to pay your medical bills, to finance a new purchased home, to consolidate your high interest ... more...

Putting Benefits Before Features
Having spent so many years in retail, I always enjoy being on the listening end of a sales persons presentation.As I listen patiently and attentively, I privately critique the sales person as they make their pitch.I look for certain things, the basics, are they making eye contact with me, do they ... more...

Reverse Mortgages A Tax Free Income For Senior Citizens
I fully realize if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is and There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (TANSTAAFL) immediately jumped into your head when you read the title of this article. However, if you are 62 or over, you may have just found the goose that laid the golden egg.A reverse ... more...

Real Estate Professional in the Palm of Your Hand
GETTING THE MOST FOR THE LEASE-TRACKING YOUR REAL ESTATEIf you own rentals and/or investment properties, you know that you have to keep track of your portfolio, maintenance profiles, property managers, and related financial matters. There are a multitude of programs for the Palm-Pilot system to ... more...

Calamity or Prophecy? You be the Judge
Hello Friends,As many have heard, China suffered the damage of a typhoon (Hurricane) which passed through the weekend of Sept. 11, 2005. As of Sept.12, 7 died and over a million evacuated. Do you notice how these calamities are coming in quicker succession with the passing of time?Isaiah 24:4, 5 ... more...

Is a Reverse Mortgage Good for Me?
A reverse mortgage is a loan against the equity in the home that provides tax-free cash advances, but requires no payments during the term of the loan. Since there are no monthly payments during the life of the loan, the balance grows larger and the equity gets smaller. Meaning the interest in ... more...

How to Stop Credit Card Company Abuse
Consumer complaints about credit card abuse continues to increase despite clearly defined federal regulations meant to stop abuse. By knowing and understanding your rights, you can stop abuse. Lets examine four common methods of credit card company abuse and what you can do to stop the victimizing ... more...

Reverse Mortgage Calculator
Most seniors who are interested in learning more about the Reverse Mortgage process will often use a Reverse Mortgage Calculator. Most online reverse mortgage calculators require the current value of the home in question, the total amount of any liens on the property, the ages of any individuals on ... more...

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